Prince of PEACE: A study in contrasts
For many of us, this weekend is one where we are winding down from our Christmas celebrations and festivities. And for some, December has been a time spent focusing attention on Jesus Christ as the “Prince of Peace.” No matter your affiliation or spiritual tradition, however, I welcome you to explore with me here on the blog, this concept of peace, and of peace stewardship. It’s not of course, limited to a particular religion, or any religion, for that matter.
Are we not each a steward of peace, if we choose to be?
I realize that making this choice may seem too large, too assuming, nay even a completely hopeless notion, what with the seemingly endless examples of violence and strife – in our own communities, in our schools and movie theaters here in the United States, for example – and for each of us in various ways throughout our own countries as well as abroad. Perhaps.
I am awake to the endemic and pandemic:
- Intolerance
- Lack of understanding
- Failure to empathize
- Clinging to exclusion rather than inclusion
- Perpetuation of separation rather than unity
I am also awakening to, and drawing from, however, the deep potential for peace that awaits within. It is available to each of us. We are at liberty to invoke it at any time. When we embody that peace, it cannot help but lend hope to ourselves and to those around us. Call me naïve, and yet, I am willing to carry forth this sentiment and from the point of realization that peace on earth really does indeed begin with me (and you).
I ask you to consider: What is your piece of the peace?
Peace: It’s a moment by moment thing
This is not to suggest that it’s easy. Nor, am I suggesting it’s even plausible to maintain a sense of peace all day, every day. I’m only suggesting that we try. It’s worth our making the attempts, wouldn’t you say?
Admittedly, I’d say that peace is a moment by moment thing. I certainly don’t live in a state of peace at all times. I slip in and out of it, moment by moment. And yet, I may decide to bring peace to any given situation, in any given moment.
Also, peace may not mean completely free from conflict. It may, however, mean embracing a sense of gratitude, of serenity, of home.
So, to that, I say: Let’s create our own playful peace puzzles!
Ready to get your own peace party started?
Taking the letters of PEACE, I invite you to make your own peace offering – to yourself, and to anyone else who needs it. There’s no science to this – it’s art.
I’m not suggesting that these will solve the world’s crises. They may, however, provide a few moments of solace, and a brief respite and recess away from the disharmonious world around us. May they provide you the space to refrain from discord, and instead step out into the world from a place of peace.
Peace be with you.
Peace be within you.
Peace emanate from you.
For your consideration:
I’ll start. Here are three playful peace puzzles that I’ve put together for posting here on the blog:
Precede Engagements of Anger with Conscious Empathy
Preciously Embrace All Coziness Eternally
Proactively Entertain Abundantly Creative Enterprises
Okay, your turn:
I’ve left one blank for you to complete – feel free to do this one on your own. Have fun!
P__________ E __________ A__________ C__________ E __________
I invite you to share your own playful peace puzzle and any other peace related thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!
Playfully Exhale All Constricting Edges
Nice one, Albena! Thanks for playing!