Sutra #2: There is a way through every block
As we introduced last time:
Yogi Bhajan, a master of kundalini yoga and spiritual teacher for decades to thousands worldwide, taught a set of principles that he coined the Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age. This edition of Soul Notes continues our 5-part series, with this one devoted to Sutra #2: “There is a way through every block”.
[Sutra 2, Yogi Bhajan]
This sutra is one of hope, inspiration, and a call to trust in yourself and your own divinity.
Believe this to be so!
First off, it’s important to believe this to be so! Believing, and trusting, that there is indeed a way through every block instills a feeling of HOPEful(not helpless)ness. What you decide to do next stems in large part from this belief. I invite you to consider it a fundamental foundation from which to carry you forward if and as blocks present themselves.
Feel stuck, and searching for a way to get “unstuck” and need help moving forward?
As Yogi Bhajan proffered: “[A]ll it takes is committing one’s self within one’s self.” Ongoing commitment allows our inherit nature to take its course. Just as an ice cube melts as warm air envelopes it, so too do our perceived blocks, as we allow our own nature to take its course. It is in our nature to seek infinity. “[T]he finite will exalt the Infinity, the Infinity will exalt the finite.” (The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, published in Aquarian Times, September 2007.) Let things that “get in your way” dissolve. Allow your light, your truth, your infinite nature, to emerge.
Discernment: Examine, Explore, Inquire
Awareness is a huge first step in moving through your blocks. Okay, awareness, “check.” Now what? Once we are aware or conscious that there is a block, which way is the best way through? It may take discernment, deliberation, reflection. Deliberation is smooth, slow, methodical consideration.
In those moments when facing a “block,” consider the following:
Is it real, or perceived? Is it an actual block, or does it only seem and feel like a block? Is it truly blocking your destination, or can you go around it (choose a different path, to get to your destination)? What IS your destination? Feel into it. Allow your heart (not your mind) to speak. – The divine speaks through the heart; truth emerges from the soul, not from the mind.
Bring it out from the inner depths and out into the light! Let your own light shine through – through the “block”! See it from another angle. Hold it up to the light, as if it were a prism. What (new) reflections do you see now?
This is where meditation, journaling or yoga come into play – very helpful! (Oh, and breathing…remember to slow down, take a pause, and breathe!) ~ For tips on and types of a daily practice, go here. ~
Recognize when it’s quicksand pulling you down, and when it’s merely gravel shifting beneath your feet.
Conscious Choices
You are in control of your choices. One choice may be to allow the block or situation to melt, like a “block” of ice…let it dissolve, decompose. Among other things, this preserves energy for you to approach the larger blocks, the “big boulders” that show up on your path, your spiritual journey. Be aware that not all blocks are created equal. It is okay (and wise!) to decipher which ones are which. Is it a block that can be dismantled, like a structure, broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces? Is it a block that may benefit from a change in shape? Consider whether it may be recombined in some way? How about reconfiguring the components, like a set of building blocks?
Remember, one of the choices available to each of us is: to do “nothing”! If made consciously, to fit a specific situation, doing nothing may in essence be “everything”.
Releasing Judgment
When a block appears, many of us tend to get caught up in the judgment – of ourselves, of the situation, of other people who may be involved. Really, however, that gobbles up lots of precious energy, and does little if anything to propel us forward.
And, often we unnecessarily compound the (perceived or actual) block, by allowing ourselves to get caught up in expectations as to form, timing, and the exact result that may come once we’ve moved through the block. Trust that there is a way through every block, and focus on the beauty of all that is, within Sutra 2. Trust that the form, timing and exact result will be in and for the highest good. This releases the pressure, and helps us step away from unhelpful distractions. It also creates space, so that we may acknowledge the true desire from within our heart, not the ‘masquerading one,’ the ‘trickster’ one residing in your ego.
Next: Take (Soul-Inspired) Action
You are self-empowered to choose how you move through every block. Remember though, to make a choice. Decide.
Even if it’s a decision to let go and let live – do it from a place of sovereignty, not by helplessly “giving up” and relinquishing control of your own life. It’s not about capitulating, or abdicating responsibility for your station in that moment, and the direction to which you’re heading. You are in control of the RUDDER on your boat! You get to decide where you’re steering, and to which spot on the horizon you’re heading! Yes, you’ll face trade winds, and headwinds, and cross-currents – these, however, need not be BLOCKS on your journey. They are merely influences, and ever fluid, forces. You’re still the captain. The commander!
Cease resistance. Lean into all that you are. Into all that is. Infinity.
Okay, your turn:
What, if any blocks, are you facing today? Is it a block, or a perceived block? What does your empowered self say is the next step? Where are you pointing your ship, and what soul-inspired provisions are you bringing with you?
I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!